We have officially entered the "under 30 days" mark for Andy to be home. In some ways I can believe it and in some ways I cannot. Sometimes I can't believe that he has been deployed since September, and sometimes I halfway expect him to walk through the door at the end of the day. So strange. However we are SO super excited, and my little man is just about beside himself because we are almost done "marking off the days" on his little bedside calendar. I am so glad that this is *almost* behind us and that I will have a partner to share the load again. I am so thankful for my heavenly Father who has sustained me. He is always faithful.
My exercise and fitness regime is going well! The torture from the trainer is paying off, I suppose.... especially when I caught a glimpse of a pretty well defined tricep muscle while unloading the dishwasher today! Who knew it was even there before? Everything is firmer, more toned, and I am down one size since beginning this mission. And that ellliptical machine? Totally my best friend now. Love it. I get to have 45 minutes to jam out awesome praise and worship music on my ipod, read my latest mag or just watch my favorite news channel ...uninterrupted. It is a great break in the mornings that always seems to come just when I need it!
My little Andrew contines to crack. me. up. every day. I have to call mom and dad to give them an update on what he has said during the day every single night! He is absolutely hysterical... but I guess most 3 year olds are because they are just so literal- you know? We were at my grandparents visiting one afternoon last week, and Andrew proceeded to wander around the back porch and yard with my grandfathers "yard hat" (a straw hat) on. My mimi asked him why he decided to wear the hat and he (dramatically) sighed and said, "Well, I'll just tell you what Mimi, I am having a bad hair day today". Where does he hear these things? I don't say that. Needless to say, we HAD to laugh at his expense. I walked into his room this week and found him lying on the rug (not asleep) but with his eyes closed. I proceeded to ask what he was doing, and he replied "Mama, I am pwaying to God 'bout some things and you just reawy don't need to worry bout it". He is a great source of entertainment for me, let me just tell you!
Our sweet Anna Kate (or "Kay-Kate" as she has taken to calling herself) has been ill and vomiting today... we spent the better part of the afternoon in the pediatrician's office, and I think she is a little better tonight. A 21 month old+ many vomiting episodes=much extra laundry for mommy today. Hopefully, no one else will get this!!???
I have SO many things I want to post about... my recent "new" vintage clothing purchases, my awesome pillows and sundress I just finished sewing, etc. Hopefully, time will allow in the next week? Hopefully.
Thanks for all the sweet birthday wishes! I had an unbelievable time, and came back refreshed and renewed... Sleeping late (what's THAT??!) can do that for a girl. The food was Fabulous. Fabulous! Did I mention FABULOUS? Let's just say that the entree I ordered began with the words "Sin city" and also had the words "Garlic, butter, gravy, shrimp, grits" ... need I go on? Oh, the birthday cake, you ask? Yes, that would have been chocolate turtle cheesecake on Friday, and a traditional chocolate with cream cheese vanilla icing and ice cream at the family celebration on Saturday. Daddy and I blew out our candles together (our birthdays are separated by only 1 day) and it was great. I adore birthdays.
Happy Thursday and
Much Love
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
4 days ago