I was very much bothered by an article I recently read in this
parenting magazine (following is an excerpt.) Is this really what most American men think about their wives? Is this "role reversal" in marriages becoming the societal norm? I find it incredibly sad and so far from the biblical roles of husband and wife. What do you think?
Interviewer: I guess your wife wears the pants in the family?
Husband: Here's how I view our relationship: I'm like a middle manager. I run the household budget and take care of the little things a boss might not notice. While I have the illusion of power, C. (his wife) has the clout to veto what R. (their son) wears, how little C. (their daughter) does her hair, where we go on vacation, and, to be honest, just about everything else. None of this, by the way, has anything to do with the fact that she brings home a paycheck. My wife simply calls the shots- just like yours probably does.
To this I would love to reply to Mr. Interviewer and the general American public that this is NOT the norm in every household. Especially not in mine. I am very comfortable with my role in our home as "Secretary of State" to the "President" who is my husband. It is HE who has the power to do the "vetoing" around here. What about in your home?
Ephesians 5:22-24
Happy Thursday and
Much Love,
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
4 days ago
You are so right. The scripture you note is just perfect. Bless you!...although...just call me Mrs President (just kidding) ;o)
I could not agree with you more!
It is the craziest thing that women who follow their biblical role in life are made out to be weak women. When in fact it is the other way around. The easy thing to do is ignore your calling as a wife and mother and just do your own thing, call all the shots at home and I guess like he put it "Wear the pants of the house"
It is a hard thing to die to our selfish nature daily and strive to be a Proverbs 31 woman~ Ok sorry to vent on your blog but this is a sore spot with me
I will leave on a happy note ~ Hope you are having a wonderful good day ~ We are praying for you and your family!! Love ya Michelle
Hi Jennifer,
I've been a lurker for I don't know how long and I just decided, enough is enough, own up to being a reader (and a fan!)!
This is a great topic to explore. Honestly, I can admit that I used to wear the pants in my marriage. Long story, but the gist of it is, the Lord worked on me and gently pushed me to give up several different areas of authority (the big one was finances, of course). I finally obeyed, and I have been blessed abundantly as a result. Not only do I carry MUCH LESS stress as a result, but my husband wears the pants so much better!!!
Great post. If you'd like check out my blog! I'm going to put you on my blogroll so that all 2 of my readers can check you out. :)
I am happy to call my husband Mr. President. Personally, I like the fact that he gets the final decision because I don't want all the pressure and responsibility. And as everyone knows, behind every President is a First Lady!! That would be me:)
I am happy to call my husband Mr. President. Personally, I like the fact that he gets the final decision because I don't want all the pressure and responsibility. And as everyone knows, behind every President is a First Lady!! That would be me:)
I agree with you Jennifer! Great post!
Amen Amen!
I agree with you 100%. The lord created in such a way for a reason. Frankly, I wouldn't want the pressures of being a "provider". I like my role as the "care giver". Maybe it is a personality trait, but it works for us!
This philosophy is part of what is emasculating our men today. Darn those feminists! They messed up a good thing. My husband and I are very much a team. He's the pitcher, I'm the catcher. I might make suggestions on which "pitch" he should throw, but it's ultimately his decision and I then support it 100%! Thanks for calling this article what it is- unbiblical!
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