This is just one of those weeks where I feel SO overwhelmed, and just like I don't have it all together... Can anyone relate?
This is a difficult thing for me to admit. I am ALWAYS organized, on top of things, and I don't like to admit it when if I am not. So There. I admit it, confess it, claim it, OWN it. Thankfully, this doesn't happen very often, RARELY actually, but this week?? yikes.
Case in point....
Monday- Go to jewelry store and pick up bracelet. This was on the TOP of my list. I drove all around downtown and essentially danced around the jewelry store, and what did I come home without?? You guessed it. Bracelet.
Needed jump drive out of computer for something I was working on before I left house. Left self note to remember. Double checked everything except for... jump drive.
I felt like Cathy in the cartoon strip . AAAACCKKKK!
Tuesday- Decided to take nap with kids this afternoon. Oversleep and leave house late to take Andrew to tee ball practice. Get almost all the way to ballfield. Realize don't have baseball glove or batting helmet. Make preschooler cry. Beat my head against steering wheel.
Forget to take meat out of freezer for supper. Am faced with frozen block to try and cook at 4 p.m. AAACCCKKKKKK!
Also, forget to take drycleaning by. Sheesh.
Let's just say my to do list this week???? ... has become my to DON'T list.
For someone who has a little (lot!) of OCD, these past 2 days have been a struggle.
I think I'll pray for my memory to show up again in the morning!!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
4 days ago
This is my day every day. I forget WAY more than I remember. And I carry lists and calendars with me everywhere - and I STILL forget to do things. I don't know if I'm getting old or if it's hormones? It's so frustrating!
Have a few like those as well. Goodthing for you and me both they are few.
Sounds like you and your hubby had a WONDERFUL trip.
Love the naughty corner picture. Too cute. Children really do pick up quickly.
Oh my! I think we all have days like this. (o:
I wanted to let you know that I played along and did the 'I Wish' meme.
Yaaaayyyy! You're N-O-R-M-A-L! LOL!! Come read what I wrote yesterday in this same vein and you will see that you aren't alone! ; )
Guess what? I found a name for your forgetful problem. It's called "MOMnesia." LOL!! They just aired a story about it on the Today Show at MSNBC. (3.06.08)
Have a great day!
Andrea L. :)
oh my! I can't believe it. blogger just ate my comment!
Oh, well
I was just talking about this very thing with my sil. SHe just had baby #2 and was worried about her memory (heehee) I told her it was normal.
I couln't help but think of this post as I watched the Momnesia this morning!
Oh, and I loved your interview over at Sallie's blog!
This is just one of those weeks
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