Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Our sweet baby girl did her first "baby sign" today.... She looked up at the light in the living room, then looked up me, then looked back up at the light and slowly and carefully signed "light" by opening and closing her little fist. She looked at me, squealed in glee and proceeded to do it over and over again - Each time squealing and kicking her little fat legs. So precious. We have been signing to her for about a month now, and while she watches intently, has not signed anything until today. This, hopefully, will be the first of many signs that she will do! Our little son, who is now 2 1/2 did over 35 baby signs, and greatly reduced his (and our!) frustration levels because he was able to "sign" for what he wanted before he could say it..... When he began talking, he dropped the sign. Simple as that. I will be eternally grateful to Andy's oldest sis for giving us this book when our son was a baby....!! Another bonus is, this time our little man is signing to his baby sister as well- so now she has 3 people signing to her... She's one lucky little girl to have 3 people who give her so much adoration every day!
On another note, I will be doing some posts next week about heirloom sewing and smocking and giving links to some great sites on this fun subject.
Happy Wednesday!
Much Love- Jennifer
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths" Proverbs 3:5-6

1 comment:

Magistra Mommy said...

I absolutely cannot WAIT until Johnathan can sign! We taught our oldest several signs (which he still uses subconsciously when he speaks) and I am hoping he will sign to Johnathan too. How precious! Aren't babies wonderful? :o)

In His joy,
Mrs. Wilt