Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Crayon Decoration

Hallelujah for Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser...........
This was the sight that greeted me awhile ago in the kids' bathroom when I went to check on Andrew "going potty"! ...Off to clean up now.


Anonymous said...

Oh No!! I remember when Emily and Audrey were younger how they would color on everything!!! We still have magic marker on our cabinets I am just glad that you can not see it unless you open the drawers. How did your dds birthday go? I love her birthday dress! Do you sew as well?

Mississippi Girl said...

Hi Michelle !
Party went great- will post about it later (Thanks for asking !!). I am learning to do "regular sewing" and have learned how to smock and am learning french handsewing as well- kind of overwhelming, but fun!

TheNormalMiddle said...

4 words:


Takes off the worst of crayon stains!

bless your heart!

desertmommy said...

That looks like what happened to youngest daughters room and hall bathroom door a few months back. I was so upset I forgot to take pictures, but you can still see a bit of green on the closet doors.

Mississippi Girl said...

Lindsey- I know- I love, love, LOVE my magic eraser!! Has "erased" many mishaps in our house for sure!
Desertmommy- just think in a few years when you see that "green" it will put a big smile on your face... not very funny at the time, though is it??

Magistra Mommy said...

Hee hee...looks like several "mishaps" we've had in our house. Love that Crayola Color Wonder paper and markers- it's helped a lot in that area. :o)